Custom Jaw Implants

Having what is considered a weak chin or jaw can prove a challenge to feeling great about your appearance and facial balance. For many people, having the right facial structure can make a significant difference in confidence, their careers, and sense of comfort in their own body. Dr. Dhir provides jaw augmentation with custom jaw implants at his center in Beverly Hills, using a combination of technique and technology to deliver transformative results for his patients.

Custom Jaw Implants versus Prefabricated Implants

Prefabricated jaw implants always are limited in the changes they can make. Namely, they by nature cannot be created with the patient’s unique facial structure in mind. Beyond this, a prefabricated implant is more difficult to manipulate in terms of the shape of the face. This is particularly a concern for patients who are seeking reconstructive work following trauma, previous surgery/implants or serious facial injury. Jawline implants are typically difficult to fit and deal with asymmetry based on facial development. Overall, prefabs simply are less effective at giving patients the precise jawline shape desired by the end of their procedure.

In contrast, custom-made jaw implants resolve these issues. Since each implant is made according to patient specifications and balanced with precision computer software, the final results can be incredibly close to what you envisioned and are contoured to the underlying bone. Some of the benefits patients can see from custom facial implants include:

  • Improved facial proportions
  • Restored facial symmetry
  • Enhanced and customized contour and definition

How a Custom Facial Implant Is Made

CT Scan and 3D Imaging: First, Dr. Dhir will obtain comprehensive imaging of your jaw and face. These images are highly detailed, ensuring an accurate representation of the finer shapes to your bone.
Creating the 3D Model: We use a special computer software that will build a 3D model of your implant based on your specifications. We can show what it will look like when affixed to the jaw and how it can restore symmetry and enhance jaw shape. Even if you already have current implants or hardware, we can digitally remove it when creating the model.
Adjusting the Model: The 3D model can be adjusted from every angle, creating minute changes to bring it into perfect alignment with your desired size and shape. The final model will still be anatomically correct for your jaw.
3D Print Your Implant: 3D printing allows for precise manufacture from high-grade silicone materials that can last a lifetime. You will also receive a PDF of your 3D model to quickly reference at any time.
Before and after picture of a jaw implants male patient front view

Is Custom Jaw Augmentation Surgery Right for Me?

Having a stronger, more defined jaw can be a life-changing experience for both men and women. Contour, symmetry, and definition can all impact how attractive the lower face is seen to be, which is why a jaw augmentation can have such a boost to how attractive a patient is perceived to be (by both themself and by others).

If one or more of the following matches you, then jaw contouring surgery may be your ideal path forward.

  • Someone who works in the C-suite or Tech fields and has to give presentations in front of audiences.
  • Patients who have a history of oral surgery for bite defects and want to restore or enhance the contour of their jawline.
  • Those who are losing bone structure and want to maintain or improve a weakening jawline
  • Patients who want a facelift but would not see optimal results due to jaw shape (i.e., to avoid the “wind-blown” look).
  • Patients who had a previous prefab implant but want a more personalized look through revision surgery.
  • Filler patients who want to switch to a permanent solution instead of having to repeat injectable treatments every few months.
This list is far from exhaustive, however. With custom facial and jaw implants, the best candidates are those who want to bring out the best in their appearance. If you have long desired a stronger, more defined jawline, then a custom implant procedure is likely ideal for you. Call our office to book a consultation to start on the process today.

Procedure Overview

Procedure times and experiences can vary, depending on your individual treatment plan. Every aspect of your procedure is customized, not just the implant itself. From incision locations to the techniques for placing the implant, Dr. Dhir adjusts his approach to deliver optimal results every time. However, the overall experience can roughly follow a similar pattern, meaning you can expect:
  • Going under general anesthesia to ensure you feel no pain during the surgery. Dr. Dhir will let you know how to prepare for a safe anesthesia experience.
  • A duration of about 2 hours (can vary according to complexity).
  • Dr. Dhir will create key incisions to insert the implant and then will adjust it accordingly. The procedure only is complete once he is sure the placement is aligned with your agreed-upon plan.
  • After everything is complete, you can return home or to an after-care facility the same day. However, someone will need to drive you.
Though the implant can cover much of the jaw’s surface area, it can be inserted through a small incision. This means the procedure should result in minimal scarring that typically heals well, becoming increasingly less noticeable.

Recovery & Downtime

The initial healing period is about 1-2 weeks for most patients, during which you should take time away from work and all physical activity. However, each patient heals at their own rate, so this can differ (shorter for some, longer for others). What is always crucial is to follow the post-procedure instructions provided by Dr. Dhir. These are designed to facilitate healing and reduce the risk of any complications or issues while recovering.

Additionally, the aftercare instructions promote seeing better results (better healing means better overall outcomes). He will provide individualized instructions for each patient, but some common things to keep in mind include:

  • Avoiding any strenuous or vigorous activity
  • Keeping the surgical sites cleaned and cared for
  • Attending your post-procedure checkups
  • Abstaining from certain medications and tobacco products

Seeing Your Jaw Augmentation Results

Though swelling should fade gradually until the majority is resolved within about 6 weeks, it can take time for all residual swelling to disappear. However, patients can see their initial results well before this time. After the first couple weeks, enough swelling should fade so that you can start to see the improvements to your jawline. The chin, jaw, and face, on the whole, should take on a new appearance, creating a more contoured and defined aesthetic overall.

As the swelling continues to fade, continue to care for your incision sites and do your best to avoid any facial impacts. The better you care for your jaw, the better your results will be. After about 6 weeks, you begin to fully appreciate your new look, with mild, gradual improvements to come while the residual swelling subsides up to 1 year. Results should be permanent, but patients can always have the implant removed if they change their minds at a later date.

Custom jaw implants male patient of Dr Karan Dhir

Why Choose Dr. Dhir for an Enhanced Jawline

Dr. Dhir is one of the country’s leading specialists in custom jaw implant procedures. He personally trained under the physician who invented the procedure, and he himself wrote the first scientific journal article on it. Now, he continues to push the procedure into the future, further utilizing technology to create more enhanced results that deliver lifelong elevated confidence.

How Much Does a Custom Jaw Implant Cost?

A custom jaw implant can vary significantly in cost. This is due to factors such as the materials needed to fabricate the implant. We use only high-grade materials built to last and minimize any bodily rejection of the implant. Also, the complexity of the procedure is another factor, with greater complexity being tied to a higher cost. However, the final price is worth it for the majority of patients, as their implant procedure is a lifelong investment in themselves. The increased confidence, improved appearance, and sense of being at your best will be with you for years to come.

The best way to learn about a precise estimate for the procedure for your needs is to book a consultation. During this one-on-one visit with Dr. Dhir, you can go over your situation in detail. Then, based on an exam and discussion of your goals, he can provide a personalized, accurate quote of what the procedure cost would look like for you.

Before & After Gallery

Results may vary.

Before and after picture of a jaw implants male patient side view
Before and after picture of a jaw implants male patient 3/4th view
Picture of Dr Karan Dhir working with a patient

Book Your Consultation

The first step is also the easiest. Start by calling our office or using our online form to reach out to Dr. Dhir’s office. Our friendly staff will work with you to schedule a consultation visit, during which you can have an in-depth conversation with Dr. Dhir, facial plastic surgeon, about your goals. You can learn more about the procedure, receive a quote, and even get started on imaging. Begin today and discover what awaits when working with a pioneer of custom jaw implants in Beverly Hills.