Neck Lift

The skin around the neck is one of the places where signs of aging first appear. Even from a young age, patients may begin to notice banding, wrinkles, and looseness that can make them appear more aged than they feel. At Dr. Dhir’s practice, he offers a range of rejuvenating cosmetic procedures to address signs of aging and restore your aesthetic to a brighter, livelier appearance. Discover a renewed you with a personalized neck lift in Beverly Hills with a leading, board-certified facial plastic surgeon.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a specialized cosmetic procedure that focuses on addressing signs of aging around the jawline and the upper neck. Through precise adjustments of the skin, tissues, and underlying structures of the neck, this procedure can provide lasting improvements. Patients can expect to see wrinkles smoothed out and a more defined jawline, leading to an overall rejuvenated and youthful appearance. In some cases, minor neck liposuction can also be performed for a slimmer, more contoured look.  In addition, Dr. Dhir is a facial implant specialist that utilizes proper structure when necessary to improve the soft tissue draping during a neck lift procedure.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

  • Personalized results: Every patient’s features are unique, and a neck lift is adapted to match these. The result is natural-looking results that emphasize what makes you unique.
  • Long-lasting improvements: The results of a neck lift can last for years. With a few key lifestyle factors and a good skin care routine, patients can see exceptionally long-lasting benefits for 5 to 10 years or more.
  • Perfect for combination: A neck lift can be readily complemented by other cosmetic procedures, such as a facelift or brow lift. When combining procedures, patients can see extensive, transformative benefits.
  • Target multiple concerns: A neck lift can target multiple neck concerns, from loose skin to stubborn pockets of fat, in a single procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

If you have loose or excess skin around the neck, then a neck lift may be your ideal solution. This procedure excels at addressing concerns such as jowls or “turkey neck,” making patients with these concerns optimal candidates. However, a good candidate will also have a positive outlook on the procedure and be in overall good health. Namely, any conditions that impact bleeding or healing may be concerns to go over with your surgeon. During your consultation, you can explore all our procedure options, working with Dr. Dhir to discover what solutions you are a great candidate for. 

Overview of the Procedure Process

Dr. Dhir works closely with each patient along their cosmetic journey and is ready to support you from the moment you walk into our office. At each step of the process, you are at the center.


The consultation is the foundation for a successful neck lift experience. During this one-on-one meeting with Dr. Dhir, it is all about you. You can ask any questions, fully describe your goals, and voice any concerns you might have. The goal is communication, allowing you to learn about the procedure and Dr. Dhir to learn about you. He will go over all your options and provide comprehensive information about your procedures, so you are never in the dark about any aspect of your plan.


Preparing for a neck lift is usually straightforward, including steps such as:

  • Not eating or drinking before the procedure
  • Pausing certain medications (such as blood thinners)
  • Staying away from nicotine and specific herbal supplements
  • Preparing your home for recovery
  • Arranging for a driver to take you home from surgery

The Surgery

The procedure starts with receiving anesthesia, ensuring your surgery is painless and comfortable. Dr. Dhir then moves along your procedure plan, following each step to bring out the results you want. This involves making incisions, removing excess skin, tightening tissues, and removing stubborn pockets of fat. Once everything is complete, he will suture the incisions closed. Most procedures will take about 1 to 2 hours.

Recovery & Results

Recovery starts the moment your procedure is over. First, you can wait in a comfortable recovery room for the anesthetic to wear off. Once you are ready, you can return home the same day with your arranged driver. Once home, patients will need to take about 1 to 2 weeks of downtime away from work and strenuous activities. Some bruising, swelling, and discomfort are normal. But they are easily managed with OTC medication and will fade in the coming days. Dr. Dhir will provide you with comprehensive recovery instructions to promote a safe experience.

Some immediate results will be apparent, but patients can start to really enjoy their results after a couple of weeks once the initial swelling and bruising fade. Full results are visible as residual swelling fades and the tissues settle in the coming months. With proper care and a healthy lifestyle, patients can expect results to last for up to 10 years.

Book Your Consultation Today

Start your path toward cosmetic rejuvenation with a consultation for a neck lift in Beverly Hills. When you book your one-on-one meeting with Dr. Dhir, you can begin working together on a personalized neck lift approach that addresses all your cosmetic concerns.