How to Choose a Facelift Surgeon

Plastic surgery is a wildly popular field of medicine. Even those who have never experienced a cosmetic procedure are probably already familiar with several surgical techniques. A facelift, for example, is one of the most well-known methods of improving your physical appearance. Below, we cover how to choose a facelift surgeon.

How to Choose a Facelift Surgeon

There is a lot of information out there about what you can expect during and after a facelift procedure. However, not everyone talks about how to choose a facelift surgeon. Finding and vetting a certified professional requires more steps than you may think. It is important that you are completely comfortable and confident in your choice of surgeon before you move forward with plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. Here are some things to know before your next surgical consultation.

Learn About Cosmetic Surgery Updates

No surgeon should be stuck in their ways. As the medical field is always changing, there are certain advances in technology that you should be aware of. A good cosmetic surgeon will jump at the opportunity to utilize cutting-edge techniques and safer methods that can guarantee the most incredible results. It might be a good idea to take a look around your surgeon’s operating room to see what kind of technologies they are using during a facelift.

Find an Accredited and Kind Surgeon

Under no circumstances should you sign up for a procedure with a surgeon not yet been certified by an official board. For example,  the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Accreditation is a platinum standard for cosmetic surgeons. This gives patients a huge vote of confidence that this person is a professional in their field. You should not have too hard a time finding information about the surgeon you want to research, as they typically state their certifications online. Different hospitals and practices may also require different types of certification, so make sure to do a thorough background check.

A surgeon must be more than just accredited, though. It is important that the doctor responsible for your care can communicate with you effectively. Someone with good bedside manners and high levels of compassion will go the extra mile to make sure you are getting the results you truly want.

Ask About Specific Experience

You need to make sure that the surgeon you choose is highly experienced with this type of procedure. There are many different types of facelifts that you may be interested in. A full facelift addresses all of the blemishes on your face from top to bottom, tightening your skin and getting rid of deep-seated wrinkles. If you do not need a full facelift, however, there are several other options available.

For example, a mid facelift is specifically aimed at correcting issues with the middle of the face, especially around the nose and mouth area. This is a good idea for anyone whose main issue is dealing with wrinkles around the mouth. Lastly, a mini facelift offers light retouching to those who are just looking to get touched up. It is important that the surgeon is an expert in all of these procedures, giving you the best chances of surgery success.

Read Testimonials

A practicing doctor is only as good as their online reviews. Successful surgeons are bound to have patients who are happy to be honest about their experiences. Anyone who is thrilled or highly dissatisfied with their experience will be certain to write about it online. Make sure you read real, legitimate testimonials that will give you a good idea of what to expect before you sign up. It would be even better if testimonials came with photos, so you could see before-and-after results on different types of patients.

Discuss Your Needs During Your Consultation

What are you looking to get out of a facelift procedure? What would you like your results to be? As long as you have realistic expectations and a good understanding of how surgery works, you are a likely candidate for a facelift. There are plenty of benefits that come out of this procedure other than cosmetic benefits. You may be looking to reverse the signs of aging or correct a blemish that has caused your face to become asymmetrical after an injury.

Visit Dr. Dhir Today

Dr. Dhir is a double-board certified surgeon with experience in all types of cosmetic surgeries. If you are looking to customize your facelift and neck lift experience, visit us for a personal consultation. During your appointment, you can talk about your biggest concerns. And you can go over what you look to achieve with this uplifting procedure. Get in touch with us today to get started!