Guide to Facelift Recovery

A facelift can be a life-changing procedure that returns a sense of vivacity and youthfulness to areas of the face that may have deflated via the impacts of time. It’s considered one of the essential procedures in a plastic surgeon’s tool kit for these reasons. Below, we have our guide to facelift recovery.

However, like most serious plastic surgery procedures, a facelift entails something of a recovery period. Knowing the details and protocol that go along with this recovery period is somewhat essential for ensuring that it goes smoothly.

Guide to Facelift Recovery

If you have a facelift procedure planned, take a look at this guide that describes some of the essential steps to take to make sure you have a successful recovery.

What Occurs During a Facelift?

A facelift is a surgical technique that is also called a rhytidectomy, and it can lessen the adverse signs of aging on the face. A rhytidectomy can improve one’s confidence and emotional health in addition to helping one look more young.

This procedure is one of the most durable and well-liked procedures in plastic surgery, and it has been developed as a procedure for many years. A thorough facelift can make you feel and appear completely transformed by revitalizing the facial features and minimizing the wrinkles and sagging that accumulate over time.

Directly After Your Procedure

Directly following your procedure, you may find that you experience complete amnesia regarding the procedure due to the effects of general anesthesia. As you regain your senses, you will likely feel slightly groggy.

You shouldn’t experience much pain, as your physician will administer pain medication on your behalf. You should also keep in mind that your face will look heavily swollen at this time and will not reflect the appearance of your final results. Most patients will be able to go home the day of, while some have to wait an additional day.

The First Few Days After Your Procedure

During this part of the recovery process, you will experience some discomfort but should not feel any intense pain due to the effects of medication. Swelling and bruising is a normal part of this phase as well.

During this period, you should try to remain as calm and low-key as you can in terms of just relaxing and allowing your body’s natural healing process to take control of the situation. Moving around gently should prove highly beneficial, as it keeps the blood circulating and will assist in the healing process. Activities that require more intense levels of exertion should wait for the time being.

One Week After Your Procedure

After about a week of recovery, you should be able to wean yourself off of the pain medication that your doctor has prescribed for you. You may still have some bruising and swelling occurring that prevents you from appearing in public comfortably.

During this period, it’s important to have some level of patience that can see you through your procedure. Applying cool compresses to your face should assist in the healing process. Continue to follow the post-operative instructions of your physician, whatever they may be. In addition, you will still be unable to drive or operate heavy machinery.

Two Weeks After Your Procedure

After about two weeks after your initial procedure, you are basically past the lion’s share of the recovery process. You should be able to return to work or school as long as the job doesn’t entail heavy physical labor.

You may have small amounts of bruising or swelling after this period. But this should be easy to hide with small amounts of makeup and the like. You may feel sensations like tingling in your skin. This is an indication that the skin is healing and is a normal part of the facelift recovery process.

If you feel like you are experiencing abnormal symptoms at this point of your recovery process, you should contact your doctor and report whatever symptoms you might be experiencing. They may have directions for you regarding your continued recovery process and modifications in your medication. Following their subsequent directions is a process that should be taken very seriously.

The Best Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Picking the right plastic surgeon is absolutely essential for ensuring that your procedure and recovery process are as efficient as possible. Dr. Dhir and the rest of his award winning team have the tools and expertise needed to make sure that your facelift procedure and recovery period go as smoothly as possible. If you have plastic surgery in Beverly Hills planned, contact his office today in order to schedule a consultation.